
vote, dude

Okay, so I've never been one to be too preachy, and I know everyone of you (US citizens) already know that you need to vote. This is more just a friendly reminder that all of you had better get your asses to the polls tomorrow. Or, if you're out of the country, you had better have already put your absentee ballots in the mail. Especially those of you in Colorado. Even if you don't smoke pot anymore, you have to realize the opportunity and potential implications of being the first state to legalize dope. Also, Tancredo needs to know that he doesn't have his talons around all of us, Beauprez cannot be allowed to follow in the shameful footsteps of Bill Owens, the 7th district is hot, and for god's sake, bush was campaigning in Greeley! Fucking bush in fucking Greeley! This is the chance to take a red state and make it blue. True blue. It's time to show the country that Coloradans cannot be trampled on by right wing religious representatives of National Socialism. If you're not in Colorado, you're not off the hook. Even if you're in a blood red district, take the opportunity to fight back! Do it. Okay, I'm done, because this is getting close to preachy.

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