

i realize that most blogs are devoted to a single topic, or at least a single topic with various offshoots. you may think to yourself: "a blog about everything from fashion to philosophy of science? what the fuck?" and you're right to think that. it is extremely possible that i am getting in way over my head with this thing, and will not be able to address half of the topics i profess to. but, then again, most people pick one or a few things to focus their lives on. i've never been able to really understand this mentality. there's a big world out there, and i want to sink my teeth into just about all of it. this is possibly why i haven't achieved fame and fortune in any of the specific fields i pursue, but i'm willing to accept that. not only do i think just about every area i devote myself to deserves my attention, i feel that each pursuit is informed and enhanced by my dabbling in other pursuits. i agree that it's not immediately clear how my views in the philosophy of science are informed by experiences smoking dope huddled behind a boulder at 12,000 ft., but i just FEEL that they are. and for better or worse, i've got to go with my gut instinct here. and that brings us back to this, here, to this blog, and it's seemingly scatter-brained nature. well, i think all these things, and i do all these things, so why not post all these things in a single cyber-spot? i hope you will find this holistic approach to blogging as satisfying to read as i am imagining it will be to write.

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